Hamilton County Tax Advantages


Hamilton County's stable and highly favorable tax climate makes this dynamic community profitable for every type of business.  Progressive legislation also ensures that the state of Florida remains a worldwide hub for new and expanding businesses.


In addition, Hamilton County is located within Florida's Rural Enterprise Zone which qualifies the county for aggressive incentives that boost economic development and job growth.

Local Taxation

Countywide Ad Valorem Millage Rates:

Government                             9.7625

Schools                                    7.7290

Special                                     0.4399

Total                                      17.9314

Ad Valorem Tax Exemption:             Yes

Retail Sales Tax (Local Option):       1.00

Federal Enterprise Zone:                   No

State Enterprise Zone:                       EZ-2401

Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Incentive

New or expanding business in Hamilton County can be exempt from up to 100 percent of ad valorem taxes for a period of up to 10 years.  The qualifications are:

            New Business:

                        Manufacturing businesses         create 10 or more full time jobs

                        Interstate sales business          create 25 or more full time jobs

                        Corporate office established     create 50 or more full time jobs

            Expanding Business:

                        Manufacturing business             create 10 or more full time jobs

                        Interstate sales business           create 25 or more full time jobs

Hamilton County Enterprise Zone Tax Incentives

Jobs Tax Credit (Sales & Use Tax)

Allows a business located within a Rural Enterprise Zone to take a sales and use tax credit for 30 or 45 percent of wages paid to new employees who live within a Rural County.  A business must create at least one new job to be eligible, and the tax credit provides for $1,000 per qualified job.  The Sales Tax Credit cannot be used in conjunction with the Corporate Tax Jobs Credit.

Job Tax Credit (Corporate Income Tax)

Allows a business located within a Rural Enterprise Zone to take a corporate income tax credit for 30 or 45 percent of wages paid to new employees who reside within a Rural County.  To be eligible, a business must create at least one new job.  The Corporate Tax Credit cannot be used in conjunction with the Sales Tax Credit.

Business Equipment Sales Tax Refund

A refund is available for sales taxes paid on the purchase of certain business property, which is used exclusively in an Enterprise Zone for at least 3 years.

Building Materials Sales Tax Refund

A refund is available for sales taxes paid on the purchase of building materials used to rehabilitate real property located in an Enterprise Zone.

Property Tax Credit (Corporate Income Tax)

New or expanding businesses located within an enterprise zone are allowed a credit against Florida corporate income tax equal to 96 percent of ad valorem taxes paid on the new or improved property.

Sales Tax Exemption for Electrical Energy

A 50 percent sales tax exemption is available to qualified businesses located within an Enterprise Zone on the purchase of electrical energy, if the municipality has reduced the municipal utility tax by at least 50 percent.

Community Contribution Tax Credit Program

Allows businesses a 50 percent credit on Florida corporate income tax, insurance premium tax, or sales tax refund for donations made to local community development projects.

For complete details on the tax benefits listed above, click here.

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Hamilton County Development Authority 1153 US Hwy 41 NW, Suite 4
Jasper, FL 32052
(866) 341.2492 (386) 792-6828 Fax - 386.792.0559